Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Peoples Exposure to Diversity and How This Affects Their...

To conduct my research I am first going to decide the purpose of my survey, which is to gain knowledge of peoples exposure to diversity and how that effects there social interactions on campus. I will then decide on the question I will ask and the type of question I will choose to use. For my particular choice of research I will chose to do a combination of open end and multiple choice questions. I choose the combination of the two because I would like to be able to get a more personal response and allow respondents to express their with the use of the open end questions, and having multiple choice questions just to get a view on how they feel about specific topics. To help strength my multiple choice answers I will use the lickert Scale because the structure will give my participants realistic answers to my question but not necessarily put words in their mouth. I will then decide what to ask in my survey that will give me the answers to my research question. When coming up with the question I must avoid putting my opinion in the questions and make sure in my questions the answer that I am trying to discover is clear. After coming up with the open end and multiple choice questions, I will then decide the population that I am going to conduct my research on. After choosing my population I will pick a large sample group that I will choose to represent my population. After choosing my sample group I will conduct my survey in the Kutztown University DMZ because it is aShow MoreRelatedCore Competencies For Entering Medical Students1658 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the AAMC Core Competencies for entering medical students involves cultural competence: Demonstrates knowledge of socio-cultural factors that affect interactions and behaviors; shows an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity; recognizes and acts on the obligation to inform one s own judgment; engages diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, citizenship, and work; recognizes and appropriately addresses bias in themselves and others; interacts effectivelyRead MoreHlsc1201844 Words   |  8 PagesPlea se  check  your  campus  unit  outline Unit  Outline: Learning  outcomes Assessment Content   Group  introduction  and  activity Assessment tasks Assessment Task Word length   Weight (or  equiv) Teamwork: Student  Seminar 20†25  mins 20% Written  Exam 2,000   words 40% Reflective  Writing  Assignment 1,750 words 40% 1 2/17/2016 Topics for Today †¢ A  sociological  approach  and  the  sociological  imagination †¢ Biomedical  model †¢ Globalisation  and  health After this sessionRead MoreConsumer Behavior Study Notes7882 Words   |  32 PagesConsumer Behaviour: the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires. 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